Expertise and solutions for decontamination of mercury in plants and process streams.
Mercury is a toxic substance which is present in almost every gas or liquid feedstock of oil and gas plants. Mercury can accumulate in plants and pipe systems which can cause significant corrosion. Another problem related to mercury is the possible intoxication of catalysts, like platinum en palladium. In addition staff can be exposured to the substance during maintenance activities, this should be closely monitored in order to protect them for potential effects on human health.
Intertek supplies expertise and guidance in decontamination of mercury in oil and gas plants. Our experts support clients in detecting, monitoring and analyzing the production process, measuring the mercury emission into the atmosphere and monitoring of occupational health by the execution of measurements.
Preparations for the decontamination of mercury in oil and gas plant might take some time. Intertek experts can advise during the process and have broad experience in the environmental guidance of projects where mercury can be a potential threat. Every situation will be unique and Intertek can prepare a tailored proposal for approach in cooperation with the client.
Finally: Intertek can completely guide the decontamination process, this will be handled in close cooperation with a specialized cleaning company.
Our services include:
- Monitoring of mercury concentrations in process gasses
- Monitoring of mercury concentrations during decontamination of process installations (e.g. during turnarounds or shutdowns)
- Measuring of the air emissions to support compliance against permits
- Occupational health measurements
- Monitoring of mercury concentrations in waste water to support discharge requirements
- Advice with the set-up of online measurements
Services can be supplied on-site and of-site pending on their type.