Petroleum and petrochemical testing, O.
Intertek provides ASTM, ISO, IP and other test methods for the analysis of petroleum, petroleum refined products, and petrochemical feedstocks and products.
Test Description | Test Method |
Octane Number Testing, Knock Testing: | |
Octane Testing | ASTM, IP |
Octane Number Motor | IP 236 |
Octane Number MON | ASTM D2700 |
Octane Number plus Additives | ASTM D2699, D2700 |
Octane Number RON, Research | ASTM D2699 |
Octane Rating of Aviation Gasolines (supercharge method) | ASTM D909 |
Odor - Residual | ASTMD 1296 |
Odor Intensity | ASTMD 1833 |
Odour in Ethanol | BS 507 |
Oil Condition Monitoring | |
Oil Condition Tests | |
Oils and Fluids Testing | |
Oil Content of Effluent Water - Extraction and IR | IP 426 |
Oil Content of Petroleum Waxes | ASTM D721 |
Oil Separation from Lubricating Grease | ASTM D1742, IP 121 |
Olefins by SFC | ASTM D6550 |
Oxidation Stability, Accelerated | Octel_F21 |
Oxidation Characteristics of Extreme Pressure Lubricating Oils | ASTM D2893 |
Oxidation Characteristics of Lubricating Oil | IP 48 |
Oxidation Stability, Accelerated | ASTM D2274, D6468 (Octel F21) |
Oxidation Stability (Induction Period Method) | IP 40, ISO 7536 |
Oxidation Stability (Induction Period) | ASTM D525 |
Oxidation Stability (Oxygen Overpressure) | ASTM D5304 |
Oxidation Stability, 100 Hours | ASTM D942, IP 142 |
Oxidation Stability, 164 Hours | BS 148 |
Oxidation Stability, 500 Hours | ASTM D942, IP 142 |
Oxidation Stability of Inhibited Mineral Turbine Oils | IP 280 |
Oxidation Stability Residue, Potential Gum | IP 138 |
Oxidation Stability Straight Mineral Oil | IP 306 |
Oxygen Content, Field Test | Teledyne |
Oxygenated Compounds | GC Low Ox |
Oxygenates and Oxygen Content | ASTM D4815, D5599 |
o-Xylene Analysis by GC | ASTM D3797 |