Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizers Actuator (THSA) Gearbox Oil Analysis.
Intertek's AeroCHECK program provides Airbus Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizers Actuator (THSA) gearbox analysis.
THSA testing meets Airbus service bulletin SB No A320-27-1227 – EASA AD No 2014-0011, and the October 2013 SB No A320-27-1227 Revision No 01 entitled "Flight Controls – Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizers Actuator (THSA) – High Time THSA Inspection".
THSA gearbox analysis requires spectrometric analysis of the gearbox oil, and is performed by ICP-OES Spectrometry for Airbus A318, A319, A320 and A321 aircraft.
THSA gearbox analysis measures the aluminium content in the parts per million (ppm) range and is compared to the accumulated flying hours (ppm/FH).
Intertek AeroCHECK oil analysis sample kits are available to clients on a worldwide basis, for easy shipping to the laboratory. Testing, analysis results, and reporting are promptly managed after receipt of the samples.
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Integrated testing for aerospace fuels and lubricants.
Intertek Farnborough
Fuels and Lubricants Centre
Room 1068, A7 Building
Cody Technology Park
Farnborough, GU14 0LX