Fuel bulk cargo treatment additive treatment solutions for imported and exported petroleum refined products.
An increasing number of petroleum refined cargoes, including diesel and gasoline, are being shipped across international waters to foreign markets.
Due to the quality specification differences between fuel grades from country to country, additives are often used to treat and improve specifications. As an international service provider, Intertek provides a 24/7/365 “One Stop Shop Package” which includes coordinated inspection, hand blends, additive additions & testing on both continents.
One Cargo Nomination, One Point of Contact:
To help ensure a smooth running operation, Intertek can arrange for a single point of contact for the quantity and quality and cargo inspection, and for any additive treatment requirements. This single point of contact will then liaise with the load port, the disport, and local additive treatment team.
Cargo Sampling:
To prepare accurate hand blends, inventory sampling will be performed from each individual tank on board the vessel. Knowledge of the loading sequence and source of the material will be essential. If the cargo is not yet loaded, these samples can be taken from the shore tank(s) for the initial hand blends.
The hand blends will be compiled in controlled conditions by trained laboratory staff, using the professionally acquired samples and fresh additives. The additives used will depend on where the additive operation will be performed, and what additives are approved at the final destination. If the additive operation will be performed in Europe then additives from Europe will be used to ensure accurate comparisons. For European bound cargoes loaded in the USA, European approved additives will be used.
Once the hand blends results ready, an informed determination for optimal additives dosage is made. Additional resources needed are determined, including manpower, travel, transportation and miscellaneous costs to facilitate the on-site treatment. At this point a quotation for the additive treatment will be issued. Generally, this can be done within a six-hour time frame or less, once these details are available. For information purposes or as a reference, Intertek can provide a location specific monthly price estimate or range for various additives and dosage rates, as required.
Additive Logistics:
Intertek Additive Coordinators will review the hand blend results and manage the mobilization of additive, personnel, and dosing equipment to the designated treatment location. Intertek can arrange on-site services and resources for delivery via road and or launch, in coordination with the agent, to the designated treatment location. Intertek requests that when a launch is required, Trafigura’s agent set up the launch and rebill for the service.
To ensure smooth and transparent communications which are essential for a successful operation, the inspection, sampling & testing will be performed by Intertek employees at both the loading and discharge ports.
Global cargo additive treatment expertise:
A look back at how we treat each cargo as if it were our own