As consumers are prioritizing sustainability, and regulators around the world are starting to introduce extended producer responsibility, the importance of durability for fashion items has been on an upward trend in recent years.

Increasing the durability of textile and apparel can extend product lifecycle, making it last longer and thus reducing textile waste. It is important for brands, retailers and manufacturers to emphasize the durable feature of products and help consumers make informed choices.

In this webinar, our Softlines expert Simon Tse will walk you through the basics of durability in textile and apparel, give some tips on how to make garments more durable and explain how Intertek can support the differentiation of durable products through the Intertek High-Performance (HP) Mark Program.


Webinar Agenda:

  • Definition of Durability
  • Overview of the parameters for durability evaluation
  • Why Durability is important
  • How garments can be more durable
  • Intertek High-Performance (HP) Mark Program

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