Oilfield solids and deposits analysis examines foreign bodies discovered in production fluids and can contribute to the development of remedial strategies.
Oilfield solids and deposits analysis can become a necessary and immediate priority for oil and gas companies as part of their water management strategies.
Monitoring the quality of vital oil and gas production fluids and addressing irregularities is a rigorous undertaking. The discovery of unknown bodies in these fluids can disrupt production, jeopardise process integrity and may require costly equipment or vessel repair, intervention or replacement.
Fast and efficient analysis is particularly crucial when contamination is detected in the potable water supplies of offshore platforms or structures.
With an established history in the characterisation of unknown organic and inorganic samples, your business can benefit from our world-class knowledge and timely services.
Our experienced oilfield solids and deposits analysis team utilises advanced techniques to determine the composition and potential source of unknown liquids, sludges, solids and deposits. The results are then interpreted to pinpoint likely contamination sources, contributing factors and necessary remedial actions to prevent the recurrence of deposits.
At Intertek, our oilfield solids and deposits analysis capabilities include detecting moisture organic and hydrocarbon content, quantifying and characterising acid soluble and insoluble inorganic materials and producing particle size distribution data.
Solubility trials incorporating a range of solvents, full structural analysis of inorganic portions by x-ray diffraction and the identification of process chemical contamination are also among our proficiencies.
Our oilfield microbiology centre of excellence is one of few laboratories licensed to receive low specific activity and naturally-occurring radioactive material solid samples. In addition, we hold a license for the testing of radioactive liquid materials, enabling us to analyse produced waters containing radioactive tracers.
With us as your oilfield solids and deposits analysis Total Quality Assurance partner, you will have the confidence to address any unexpected problems that threaten your production. Our global reach ensures that quality guidance and industry-leading services are available to your business on a worldwide scale.