ASTM F410: Standard Test Method for Wear Layer Thickness of Resilient Floor Coverings by Optical Measurement
Standard: ASTM F410 – Standard Test Method for Wear Layer Thickness of Resilient Floor Coverings by Optical Measurement
Certification Required: N/A
Scope: Per ASTM F410: "This test method covers the determination of the thickness of the wear layer of resilient non-textile floor coverings, in tile or sheet form, with or without felt backing for foam layer, by optical measurement."
Applicable Products: Resilient flooring
Test Procedure: A test specimen is carefully cut from a larger sample in such a way that the layers are not crushed or distorted. The specimen is then mounted in a microscope and an ocular micrometer is used to measure the thickness of the wear layer in three locations.
End Result: This test results in the average thickness of the wear layer as well as the minimum and maximum measurements.
Special Notes: N/A
Intertek Testing Locations: York, PA