ASTM F1515: Standard Test Method for Measuring Light Stability of Resilient Flooring by Color Change
Standard: ASTM F1515 – Standard Test Method for Measuring Light Stability of Resilient Flooring by Color Change
Certification Required: N/A
Scope: Per ASTM F1515: "This test method covers a procedure for determining the resistance of resilient floor covering to color change from exposure to light over a specified period of time."
Applicable Products: Resilient flooring
Test Procedure: Three test areas are marked on each specimen. Initial color readings are recorded as L*, a*, b* and the specimens are then placed on exposure racks in a xenon-arc weathering machine. The specimens receive 400 hours of exposure with color readings taken every 100 hours. At the conclusion of the weathering exposure the specimens are allowed to recondition at room temperature for 24 hours. The final L*, a*, b* values are recorded and the ΔE* is calculated.
End Result: This test results in the initial and final L*, a*, b* and ΔE* values.
Special Notes: N/A
Intertek Testing Locations: York, PA