ASTM D2394: Standard Test Methods for Simulated Service Testing of Wood and Wood-Based Finish Flooring
Standard: ASTM D2394 – Standard Test Methods for Simulated Service Testing of Wood and Wood-Based Finish Flooring
Certification Required: N/A
Scope: Per ASTM D2394: "These test methods cover procedures for measuring the performance of finish flooring."
Applicable Products: Wood flooring
Test Procedure: The following tests are defined within ASTM D2394:
- Concentrated Loading
- Floor Surface Indentation from Small Area Loads
- Falling Ball Indentation
- Rolling Load
- Abrasion Resistance
- Coefficient of Friction
- Surface Wetting
End Result: This test results in performance values of finish flooring
Special Notes: N/A
Intertek Testing Locations: York, PA