Intertek, with over 1,000 offices and laboratories in over 100 countries can aid manufacturers and distributors in understanding the increase of green legislations passed in various countries worldwide and the increasing rise in requirements on safety and environmental aspects of consumer products. Intertek helps chemical manufacturers and distributors cope with this trend by offering the essential solution - the Intertek Tested Mark - Chemical Certification Scheme.
Based on the environmental protection requirement for consumer products in international markets, the chemicals used during the manufacturing process of consumer products are tested or certified to detect any restricted hazardous substances.
Intertek can evaluate the following items:
- Allergenic Disperse Dyes
- APs and APEOs (which include NP, NPEO, OP and OPEO)
- Forbidden Flame Retardants
- Chlorinated Benzenes and Toluenes
- Azo dyes
- Extractable Heavy Metals
- Soluble Heavy Metals
- Formaldehyde
- Heavy Metal Total Amount
- Organic Tin Compounds(TBT/DBT/MBT/TPhT)
- Pentachlorophenol and its Salts and Esters
- Phthalates
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls(PCBs)
- Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins PAHs
Chemical suppliers can apply for the Intertek Tested Mark Chemical Certification Scheme of one or more evaluation items listed. The process includes sample testing and evaluation. Chemicals which successfully pass the evaluation will be issued a test report and a certificate that is valid for one year.